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Conference & Special Events: June 28-30, 2021
Exhibits: June 29-30, 2021
Las Vegas Convention Center, Central Halls
Las Vegas, NV, USA

Chaz Miller

Miller Recycling Associates


Chaz Miller’s career in waste and recycling spanned four decades with stints at the US EPA Office of Solid Waste, the Glass Packaging Institute and the National Waste and Recycling Association. He testified on waste and recycling issues at Congressional and state hearings and spoke at conferences throughout North America. He was a plenary panel speaker at the UN Zero Waste Conference in Tokyo and spoke at a paper recycling conference in China. He is a member of the Maryland Recycling Network Board and an ex officio member of the Board of the Northeast Recycling Council.
Although he is now retired from full time work, he consults and continues to write his award-winning column “The Circular File” for Waste360 and to speak at waste and recycling conferences in the United States and Canada. He chaired Montgomery County Aiming for Zero Waste Task Force. He was honored by the National Recycling Coalition for Lifetime Achievement.


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