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Conference & Special Events: June 28-30, 2021
Exhibits: June 29-30, 2021
Las Vegas Convention Center, Central Halls
Las Vegas, NV, USA

Gary Bilbro

Regional Manager
EcoSafe Zero Waste


Mr. Bilbro is a recycling professional with experience working with Organics diversion, Composting, Waste-to-Energy, Curbside recycling, Construction & Demolition recycling and consulting with public, private and non-profit associations within the industry. Gary currently works for EcoSafe Zero Waste, which provides programs for waste generators to divert organics from their waste stream with a goal of producing contaminate free material for composters. Gary has worked to enhance the recycling of Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG), industrial sludges and waste water. The diversion of waste to landfill is his passion. Gary was founder and President of SMART Recycling U.S., LLC which does food waste diversion for large to small scale food waste generators including grocery stores, restaurants, schools, military bases, hotels, colleges and universities.
Gary has served on the Board of Directors as VP for the National Recycling Coalition. He is a past Board Member and Executive Director of the Carolina Recycling Association and is currently members of the NRC, CRA, VRA, USCC, GRC and other industry associations. His past experiences include 15+ years of consulting in the Information Technology industry. He is working on his first book on the subject entitled “How Recycling Changed the World”.


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