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Conference & Special Events: June 28-30, 2021
Exhibits: June 29-30, 2021
Las Vegas Convention Center, Central Halls
Las Vegas, NV, USA

Geoff Hill PhD

Organic Management Specialist


Dr. Geoff Hill recently left ECS as Director of Technical Services to work with HDR as their Organics Management Specialist. Hill’s technical services are focused on the solid waste sector and often focus on the collection of quantitative data that enable informed decision making on facility design, control of odor and process improvement. Compost specific services include: pro forma analysis, biological process evaluation, source emissions sampling and analysis, dispersion model development, operational plans, standard operating procedures, market analysis, OMRI assistance, and other added-value business development.

Prior to working with ECS, Dr. Hill managed one of the largest anaerobic food waste digestion facilities in North America, at Richmond, B.C. for Harvest Power. During his tenure (2013-2014) he processed over 200,000 tpy of commingled organics into 200,000 cubic yards of finished compost, increased profitability by $1M/yr, and reduced odor complaints by 95%. Geoff also consulted to the compost industry on facility design, permitting, and potential acquisitions. Dr. Hill is an active participant in the American Biogas Council where he played a role in the development of a national standard for digestate; and is a frequently invited speaker at professional conferences including: US Composting Council (USCC), BioCycle, Canadian Composting Council, Waste Expo, Washington Organic Recycling Council (WORC), and the Northwest Biosolids Management Association.


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