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Conference & Special Events: June 28-30, 2021
Exhibits: June 29-30, 2021
Las Vegas Convention Center, Central Halls
Las Vegas, NV, USA

Arthur Mohr, Jr.

Founder, CEO
Sniffer Robotics, LLC


Arthur is the founder and CEO of Sniffer Robotics – a leading aerial and field services provider to the solid waste industry, currently working in 15 states. Arthur’s company developed a drone-based autonomous system for surface emissions monitoring referred to as the SnifferDRONE™. Besides aerial gas emissions monitoring, Arthur and his company provide additional aerial services including aerial surveys for airspace & density calculations, multispectral imaging for cover integrity, and radiometric thermal imaging for elevated surface temperatures. The company also provides manual surface emissions monitoring (SEM) and penetration inspection for compliance. Arthur has 12 years of experience in the solid waste industry prior to founding Sniffer, and is an FAA certified Part 107 Remote Pilot having personally completed more than 600 missions to date.


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