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Conference & Special Events: June 28-30, 2021
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Robert Potter

Sanitation Solid Resource Manager II, Los Angeles Sanitation and Environment (LASAN)
City of Los Angeles


Robert Potter is a Division Manager of the City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Sanitation. At this position, He heads the Solid Resource Support Service Group that is responsible for managing solid waste for the entire City of Los Angeles, including collection, transport, and processing of source separated recyclables, green materials, and municipal solid waste from 750,000 residential customers. He is also responsible for facilities planning, Capital Improvement and Fleet Management of the largest municipal clean fuel fleet.
Robert leads a workforce of over 200 employees in 5 Divisions, with annual operating budget of 85 million dollars. He is in charge of implementing many key solid waste management strategies to help the City of Los Angeles achieve Zero Waste by 2025, including the Solid Waste Integrated Resources Plan. The City has exceeded the 75% diversion rate and continues moving toward the zero waste goal.
A 30-year veteran of the City of Los Angeles, He has worked in both Solid Waste and the Wastewater Division with LASAN.


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