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Conference & Special Events: June 28-30, 2021
Exhibits: June 29-30, 2021
Las Vegas Convention Center, Central Halls
Las Vegas, NV, USA

Andy Starnes

Level II Thermography Certified Professional/Battalion Chief
Insight Training LLC


Instructor Andy Starnes is a lifelong student of the fire service and has been involved with the fire service as a volunteer since 1992 and as a career firefighter since 1998. He is a fire service website contributor on the topics of thermal imaging, fire behavior, leadership, behavioral health, and faith-based devotions. He has been featured on numerous podcasts and presented tactical thermal imaging courses at numerous fire service conferences across the US, Germany, and Canada. He has trained and/or assisted departments with Thermal Imaging Training in all 50 states and 16 other countries. Insight Training’s Thermal Imaging Curriculum is in use in Canada as an integral part of their From Knowledge to Practice Fire Dynamics Program. Insight Training LLC instructor cadre are fire service veterans and are Level 1 Thermography Industrial Certified from Infrared Training Center and we are a vetted craftsman for Project Kill the Flashover (an applied fire science research organization). Andy currently serves as a Battalion Chief in a large career department in NC, is Level II Thermography Certified and provides training internationally. He consults manufacturers and assists with product development. Insight Training LLC developed the first thermography based firefighter certification credentialed through Infrared Training Center.


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