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Conference & Special Events: June 28-30, 2021
Exhibits: June 29-30, 2021
Las Vegas Convention Center, Central Halls
Las Vegas, NV, USA

Chad Grecsek

Director of Sustainable Management
City of Deerfield Beach


Chad Grecsek is the Director of Sustainable Management for the City of Deerfield Beach, a dynamic coastal community in Southeast Florida of approximately 80,000 residents.
Chad oversees the City’s solid waste, recycling and fleet operations and is charged with spearheading the City’s sustainability and coastal initiatives. Chad holds a Bachelor of Science degree in environmental sciences from the University of Delaware and a Master of Business Administration from Florida Atlantic University. Chad is a LEED Accredited Professional and has more than 18 years of executive leadership and management experience in municipal government and private sector consulting with a specific focus on creating sustainable programs. Since taking over the City’s solid waste and recycling operations, Chad has been able to reduce operating expenses by over 4 million dollars, increase revenues, improve overall program efficiency, safety as well as customer service.
Chad served several terms as a director on SWANA’s Florida Chapter Board, as the Vice Director of SWANA’s Collection and Transfer Technical Committee and was SWANA’s first Florida Safety Ambassador.


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