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Conference & Special Events: June 28-30, 2021
Exhibits: June 29-30, 2021
Las Vegas Convention Center, Central Halls
Las Vegas, NV, USA

Marty Metro N/A

Founder and CEO
UsedCardboardBoxes & UCBZeroWaste (UCB)


Marty Metro is the Founder / CEO of UsedCardboardBoxes & UCBZeroWaste (UCB) which designs, implements and manages large-scale waste reduction programs that help companies reduce waste (cost) and increase recycling & reuse (revenue). UsedCardboardBoxes was founded in 2006 and is likely the largest processor of USED gaylord totes, produce bins and shipping boxes in North America. As a closed-loop sustainability program, totes, barrels, drums and boxes are actually sorted, inspected and returned back to the original vendor at significant savings. UCBZeroWaste was founded in 2019 in response to the broader needs of UCB clients. We have a proven methodology that reduces waste by focusing on return, reuse, resale, recycling, organics and waste-to-energy (WTE)... all managed / reported real-time, via our proprietary software, called: WATER (Waste Analytics and Tracking for Environmental Reporting). WATER tracks all commodities (including organics) down to the SKU, at each location, providing comprehensive, historic data for real-time analysis and continuous improvement.


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