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Conference & Special Events: June 28-30, 2021
Exhibits: June 29-30, 2021
Las Vegas Convention Center, Central Halls
Las Vegas, NV, USA

Brian Pettet

Public Works Director
Pitkin County Public Works


Brian has a Bachelors of Science Degree from Purdue University in Organizational Leadership and a Master of Business Administration Degree from Colorado State University. He has been employed with Pitkin County for 29 years. He has served as the County’s Public Works Director for the last 19 years. This included managing up to eight diverse departments with an annual operating and capital expense budget exceeding $16,000,000, leading 52 employees and purchasing work force housing for the Upper Roaring Fork Valley. He has served on the Intermountain Regional Transportation Planning Commission for the Colorado Department of Transportation for the last 19 years which includes Summit, Lake, Eagle, Pitkin, and Garfield Counties.


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