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Conference & Special Events: June 28-30, 2021
Exhibits: June 29-30, 2021
Las Vegas Convention Center, Central Halls
Las Vegas, NV, USA

Emily Dyson

Vice President of Science, Research, and Development
BioHiTech Global


Emily has been in the environmental management/consulting field for 30 years, working with a wide variety of industry throughout the United States. Emily is focused on changing the way we think about managing waste. She oversaw the siting, permitting, construction, and startup of the first High-Efficiency Biological Treatment facility in the United States. Also, Emily is responsible for educating customers and regulators about BioHiTech’s organic waste aerobic digesters. Emily is passionate about sustainability and stewardship of the environment. She lives in Maryland with her husband Gary and their dog, Ziggy. Her two grown children live close by.


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