Mr. Lucero is one of the founders of Hexagon Agility and has over 30 years of experience in the natural gas medium- and heavy-duty truck and refuse markets. He began his career in 1992, working as an emissions testing engineer for a Ford Motor Company Qualified Vehicle Modifier in Southern California. Scott then spent eight years with NGV Ecotrans Group, a subsidiary of NGV Systems and Southern California Gas Company, managing vehicle fuel system production and installation. In 2002 he founded his own company, AFV Fleet Service, continuing to work with truck and refuse fleets in the NGV industry. AFV was acquired by FAB Industries in 2005 and along with other acquisitions is today, Hexagon Agility. Scott is Vice President of key accounts in North America Truck and Refuse markets. He has supported the deployment of over 25,000 natural gas commercial vehicles over the past decade.Sessions