Waste Expo is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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Conference & Special Events: May 9-12, 2022
Exhibits: May 10-12, 2022
Las Vegas Convention Center, West Hall
Las Vegas, NV, USA

Jeff Kirschner

Founder and CEO


Former world backpacker turned bartender, Jeff Kirschner is a serial entrepreneur with a love for storytelling. When his 4-year old daughter saw a plastic tub of cat litter in the woods, little did Jeff realize that it would be the spark for creating Litterati - a data-science company empowering people to create a litter-free world. Now in 185 countries, the Litterati community identifies, maps, and collects waste -- resulting in an Open Litter Database - the largest of its kind. They are backed by leading Silicon Valley investors, the National Science Foundation, and have been highlighted at TED.


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