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Conference & Special Events: May 1-4, 2023

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
New Orleans, LA, USA

Climate Change Impacts on Solid Waste

  • Thursday, May 04, 2023:8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Room: 275
  • Session Number: WKSP2


Climate change has the potential to have serious impacts on waste management infrastructure and systems. The potential impacts are diverse ranging from increasing average temperatures to more frequent and intense storms. Understanding these impacts is the first step to mitigation and ensuring that waste management systems can adapt to a changing environment. 

This workshop will bring together a diverse group of speakers to discuss the current research and practices on mitigating climate change impacts in the waste industry. Speaker presentations will explore the potential for climate change impacts and potential options for mitigation across the waste management processes including: waste generation, waste collection, facilities, workforce, and economic impacts. Climate change is a global issue and how it might impact the waste industry is not always clear. The goal of this workshop is to break it down and provide participants with the information they need to understand the tools for assessing future risks from climate change and potential mitigation options for those risks.

Additional Panelists to be named.

Keith Weitz
Director, Sustainability and Resource Management
RTI International
Kristian Macoskey
Vice President
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Workshop Leader
Suzie Boxman
Director of Programs