<strong>Conference &amp; Special Events: </strong> May 1-4, 2023<br><strong>Exhibits:</strong> May 2-4, 2024 is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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Conference & Special Events: May 6-9, 2024

Las Vegas Convention Center
Las Vegas, NV

Panel Discussion: How’s it Going? California’s Organic Waste Management Progress

  • Tuesday, May 07, 2024:11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
  • Room: W222-223


With the passage of SB 1383, California set an ambitious goal to reduce organic waste disposal 75% by 2025.
In this presentation, participants will learn about California’s progress in statewide organic waste recycling and surplus food recovery, how waste service providers are helping local government achieve compliance and the truth behind implementation. Attendees will hear about new grant funding opportunities, recent legislation to support implementation, best practices and real case studies. Finally, attendees will learn about the intersection of California’s new SB 54 Plastic Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act with local organic management programs and the future of organics management and food recovery. 

  • Veronica Pardo, Regulatory Affairs Director, Resource Recovery Coalition of California
  • Tracie Onstad Bills, West Region Waste Sector Business Development Leader, HDR
  • Monica White, Sustainability and Special Project Manager, Edgar & Associates 
  • Bill Camarillo, CEO, Agromin (Moderator)

Bill Camarillo
Chief Executive Officer
Monica White
Edgar & Associates
Tracie Onstad Bills
West Region Waste Business Development Leader
Veronica Pardo
Regulatory Affairs Director
Resource Recovery Coalition of CA