<strong>Conference &amp; Special Events: </strong> May 1-4, 2023<br><strong>Exhibits:</strong> May 2-4, 2024 is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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Conference & Special Events: May 6-9, 2024

Las Vegas Convention Center
Las Vegas, NV

Sustainable Sports & Events: The Next Level

  • Tuesday, May 07, 2024:8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Room: W220-221


You’ve encouraged public transportation and carbon-reduction and offsets for travel, you’ve done your best to eliminate all single-use plastic, you’ve partnered with your local hauler to assist with removal of compostable materials. These are all solid steps toward creating a sustainable event that you and your attendees are proud to participate in but events will be continue to be held to higher and higher standards. Whether you are hosting a board meeting, a conference and tradeshow, a sporting event, or a 3-day music festival, the methodology is similar. How do we all continue to push the limits of what we can do to ensure our events meet the next level? How do we attain the new standards ways that readily get buy in and adoption? How do we not break the budget and perhaps even generate revenue? Our panel of event experts will provide actual examples of how they are doing just this. Learn from their trials and successes and hear more ideas that are transferable to your events.

    Lee Spivak
    Director, Advisory Services
    Meghan Ibach
    Product & Zero Waste Specialist
    ECO Products
    Neel Vasavada
    MUSE Advisory Board Member and Founder & CEO
    Overdrive Energy Solutions
    Olivia Burns
    Environmental Specialist, Office of Sustainability
    Clark County Department of Environment and Sustainability