<strong>Conference &amp; Special Events: </strong> May 1-4, 2023<br><strong>Exhibits:</strong> May 2-4, 2024 is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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Conference & Special Events: May 6-9, 2024

Las Vegas Convention Center
Las Vegas, NV

Public Space Cleaning & Illegal Dumping: Laws, Penalties & Solutions

  • Tuesday, May 07, 2024:8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Room: W311-312


We’ve all likely heard the phrase “If you see something, say something.” This especially applies to illegal dumping, which is an ongoing problem for the waste and recycling industry.  Cities are also managing increases in litter and debris associated with homeless encampments.  In this session, municipalities around the U.S. will discuss about how they are managing litter in public spaces, as well as cracking down on illegal dumping, what policies and penalties are currently in place, how the public can report illegal dumping activity, what resources are used to remove unreported disposed items, how data can be used to address illegal dumping, what strategies and solutions are available to reduce illegal dumping and more.

Operations, Fleet & Safety Track Sponsor:

Amy Slagle
Acting Assistant Director, City of Austin
Austin Resource Recovery
Erik Grabowsky
Chief, Solid Waste Bureau
Arlington County, Virginia
Will Flower
Senior Vice President - Corporate and Public Affairs
Winters Bros. Waste Systems