<strong>Conference &amp; Special Events: </strong> May 1-4, 2023<br><strong>Exhibits:</strong> May 2-4, 2024 is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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Conference & Special Events: May 6-9, 2024

Las Vegas Convention Center
Las Vegas, NV

Introduction to Zero Waste - Certified Training Course

  • Thursday, May 09, 2024:8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Room: W222-223
  • Session Number: Workshop 2


Workshop Leaders: Richard Anthony, Richard Anthony Associates, VP, ZWUSA and Chair, Zero Waste International Alliance, Christienne de Tournay, Zero Waste Consultant, and Laura Anthony, President, Zero Waste San Diego

Attendees will learn:

Why Zero Waste is the fastest, most cost-effective way communities can reduce climate change impacts, promote local sustainability, and create green jobs
How more than 250 U.S. municipalities are systematically pursuing high diversion and Zero Waste
What Zero Waste businesses – now in the thousands, are doing to help lead the way
How your community could move toward Zero Waste
Where to find the resources needed to further your own knowledge and practice of Zero Waste  

This class is lively, interactive, and taught by Zero Waste USA staff and board members, including Richard Anthony, a nationally renowned expert. The content is designed to be easy to retain, and the extensive resources are easy to access. It is valuable to municipal staff, haulers, decision-makers, advocates, and all interested in Zero Waste. Zero Waste USA awards certificates of completion to students who pass the open book exam and submit the evaluation.

Separate registration required. Registration fee: $135

Workshop Leader
Christienne de Tournay
Zero Waste Consultant
Workshop Leader
Laura Anthony
Zero Waste San Diego
Workshop Leader
Richard Anthony
Richard Anthony Associates